Hunting for a Life Meaning

- to me that has always been the question -

Thursday, August 24, 2006

I was reading an article on Social Networks, those virtual things that put us in touch on the Internet, and I came into this sentence:

"Before you turn 25, your social needs tend to be in the foreground. You want to be cool, express yourself, focus on your friends. I am in my late 30s. I am married and have two kids. My social needs aren't that great. My professional needs are in the foreground." [How LinkedIn Broke Through, BusinessWeek, 10 April 2006]

I started feeling unconfortable...

1) I am 39 year old now (so late 30s)

2) my foreground is still social needs, or even individual needs...

3) I am not married neither I ve got kids

4) my professional needs have to be balanced with others

but the point is... is there anything I should worry about on my path to become wise (and old...)?

that my question today... I guess I wont spend too much time on that, as I urge to finish a job here and rush to gym afterwards... please post your comments...

Monday, August 21, 2006

today I'm back office... and reading my emails I've found out that Google has agreed to buy Writely, and online editor. Using this site you dont need any Wordprocessing tool on your PC. you just work online....

well to me it sounds like a revolution... due to the increasingly power of the Network and of the developers community we are reaching a point in which most applications wont be on our laptops...

where's the difference? if we assume that the future will be on mobile decives..., let's call them personal devices..., which gives more the idea, those devices will finally be simply input/output ones...

a keyboard (maybe a virtual one, projected on a surface by a small laser device) and a screen (maybe a foldable one...) and a wireless connector...

now let's see if Writely can also publish this doc on my blog..., cause that is what I m going to do today....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

nothing to say - the fear for silence

most people feel fear for silence - that my assumption since a long time
i cant believe there can exist this need to shout out on TV , on the newspapers, on the magazines, on the Internet, on the roads...
the reason must be that people are afraid to face silence
have you ever met someone new to you? and experienced this need to say something: that was to avoid an annoying feeling of being unconfortable with him/her...
now i consider this quite normal
do we really always need to say something? also when that's not strictly necessary?
i was thinking about TV: it's full of meaningless shows -> is this 'cause the audience is so wide that you need to address also stupid topics or 'cause finally there nothing to say?
choose a news spot: doesnt it ever occurred to you to think 'what the hell are those guys talking about'?
i d suggest to practice silence, and to listen to nature
try walking at night when no noise are around (talking for those of you living in a city like me):
you will discover that the sound of your feet on the road can remind of your individuality...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006


seeking for a goal -> if u dont have a family and children this doesnt come so obvious
carrier - money - art - power - happiness - pleasure - spiritualism - what else?
where is the value?
if you devote yourself to your carrier you'll be a man of success
but I we'll keep thinking that that behauviour is just a simplistic way to escape from themselves...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Andrè Gide, Les Nourritures Terrestres:

"si j'avais su des choses plus belles,
c'est celles-là que je t'aurais dites
- celles-là, certes, et non pas d'autres."

"if I had known more beautiful things,
I would have told you about those
- those, for sure, and not other things"

This sentence has been bouncing in my mind since I discovered it on this novel from A. Gide. Gide is to me a very controversial author. For him it is quite difficult to admit and accept his attraction to young bodies. He is touched by religious faith, or obsessed by.
He perceives beauty in everythings: from natural environment, to architecture, to male bodies. His interest is around senses.

Life is asking us for pleasure.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

a leaf may help us while sad

a leaf on the road
but so beatiful, so precious in its natural shape
it reminds us the boundaries of being human creatures
not the center of the world...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Hunting for a Life Meaning: why this title and why in English?

gosh i know i am Italian mother tongue and my English is bad...
well i guess we need the most international idiom to reach the largest audience...
this is my ambition (finally i've got some ambition, i am impressed...)

now: why the hell this title... hunting for a life meaning?

first "hunting": it's something i hate... it usually means that i'm doing something against someone else...
second "life": well that's the only sure thing we have now... the second one is that it is going to expire sometimes, like a credit card...
third "meaning": whoof... here the lions are ... i guess it was like hic sunt leones...

so let's start, time is passing by

- Fugit, interea fugit, irreparabile Tempus -